Telugammai new movie launch at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad. movie is directed by Raja Vannemreddy and Vanapalli Babu Rao is producer, and Vikram, Yashwanth, Sai Chand, Harsha, Saloni, Shafi, MS Narayana, Jeeva, Venu Madhav, Manasa, Shayaji Shinde, Jhansi, Geetha Singh, Chanti, are playing lead role in this movie for Movie Launch Hari Ramajogayya and Karatam Rambabu as
presenters. For the muhurat shot Dr Dasari Narayana Rao tapped the clap board, while VV Vinayak switched on the camera and B Gopal directed the shot.
Telugammai Movie Stills
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